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专家论坛(第十二期)预告 | Robert (Bob) Bornstein 教授特邀报告
时间:2022-06-29  关键词:  点击量:851



Recent results from the analysis and WRF modeling of urban weather, climate, and climate change


2022年6月30日 | 北京时间 10:00-11:30

June 30, 2022 10:00-11:30 (UTC+8)

腾讯会议ID/VooV Meeting ID



The talk first summaries recent observational/analyses of urban impacts on surface and PBL structures within NYC sea breeze circulations during a combined regional heat wave and ozone episode, and of rural soil moisture impacts on satellite derived diurnal, monthly, and decadal UHI trends in Monterrey, Mexico. It then summarizes recent developments and applications (to the above NYC case study) of uWRF with the new NOAA non-local convective PBL scheme linked with its BEP+BEM scheme, modified with its variable urban drag coefficient and cooling tower parameterization of the division of anthropogenic heat into its latent and sensible heat components. It also describes an application of the EnviMet urban planning model on a 1.5 m cubic grid to investigate UHI mitigation strategies for downtown San Jose, California. It finishes with plans for future urban studies to meet the grand observational and modeling challenges in urban climate, as outlined in four pending NSF or DOE proposals for urban research centers in CCNY and/or San Jose, including modifications to the CCNY urban parameterizations and incorporation into WRF of the recent SBL and PBL discoveries of Sergej S. Zilitinkevich.


Robert (Bob) Bornstein, who earned a PhD (1972) in Meteorology from NYU and is currently Prof. Emeritus at SJSU, where he had taught since 1969. He is an AMS Fellow, has received three Fulbright Fellowships (to Italy, Austria, Brazil), was on the WMO Commission on Urban Climatology, served on the BAAQMD Advisory Council, and received lifetime achievement awards in urban climate research from the AMS and the International Association for Urban Climate (both in 2008). The 2017 AMS Urban Conference had named sessions for his 75th birthday and he received a 2017 Great Wall Friendship Award from the Major of Beijing.


苗世光, 北京城市气象研究院 院长

Shiguang Miao, Director of the Institute of Urban Meteorology (IUM), Beijing, CMA



Beijing Meteorological Society



Beijing Association for Science and Technology, Chinese Meteorological Society, Institute of Urban Meteorology,  and Committee of Urban Meteorology of CMS


